Bynum Mounds
The mounds were built at
around the time of Christ by
ancient Native Americans.
Mounds of the Woodland Era
The Bynum Mounds date from
the Woodland era and were
used for burials and other
ceremonial purposes.
Bynum Mounds - Natchez Trace Parkway, Mississippi - Bynum Mounds, Mississippi - Bynum Mounds, Mississippi
Bynum Mounds in Mississippi
Located on the Natchez Trace south of Tupelo, the
mounds were built by prehistoric Native Americans.
Ancient History on the Trace
The modern state of Mississippi was the
home of Native American civilizations for
thousands of years before Europeans set
foot in the region. A number of remarkable
mounds left by these early inhabitants can be
seen today along the
Natchez Trace Parkway.

Among the oldest of the "Indian mounds" on
the Trace are the fascinating Bynum Mounds,
located about 30 miles south of
Tupelo on
the parkway.

The twin mounds preserved by the National
Park Service are part of a larger group of six
mounds that archaeologists believe were
built by people of the Woodland period over a
200 year span between 100 B.C. and 100
A.D. They served as burial mounds and
fulfilled other ceremonial purposes.

The mounds serve as reminders of the
important advances in civilization that swept
across the South at about the time they were
constructed. This was the time when early
Native Americans began making fine pottery,
demonstrated significant advancements in
the manufacture of tools and objects of art
and demonstrated growing proficiency in

Such advances allowed them to develop
highly organized societies as they were no
longer dependent on roaming with the
seasons in search of game animals for

An interpretive kiosk at the site helps visitors
understand the significance of the Bynum
Mounds and provides more information on
the people who lived there. A short trail leads
from the kiosk to the two mounds. The site is
open daily.

The stretch of the Natchez Trace Parkway
where the mounds are located also features
a number of other Native American sites of
About 10 miles north can be seen the Owl
Creek Mounds, built about 1,000 years later
during the Mississippian era. Other historic
sites in the vicinity preserve the history of the
Chickasaw Nation and the passage of the
Hernando de Soto expedition in 1541.

Click here to access a map of the section of
the Natchez Trace Parkway between the
Bynum Mounds vicinity and the Tennessee
state line. The mound location can be seen
near the bottom of the map.

Bynum Mounds are open to travelers on the
Natchez Trace Parkway daily. There is no
admission charge.
Owl Creek Mounds
A second mound group is
located nearby at the Owl
Creek site, just west of the
Natchez Trace.
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