Copyright 2007 by Dale Cox
All rights reserved.
Autumn in the Ozarks
Annual Leaf Change underway in the Ozarks
The Ozarks region, which stretches from eastern Oklahoma and
Kansas through Arkansas and Missouri to actually end in southern
Illinois, is one of the South's most unforgettable fall destinations.
The annual Ozark Mountain leaf change is one of the great scenic
wonders of the South and is now in full peak.

The leaf change in the Ozarks always begins near the end of
October and normally continues in the southern edges of the region
until after Thanksgiving. Currently, the leaves are brilliant across the
central mountains of the Ozarks. Top destinations to see color over
the next 7 to 10 days include Branson, Missouri and Eureka Springs,
Arkansas, as well as the Buffalo National River, Scenic Highway 7
and the Pigtrail Scenic Byway, all in Arkansas. Actually, color is
excellent across almost all of northern Arkansas and most of
southern Missouri, along with northeastern Oklahoma and
southeastern Kansas.

One of the best sites I've found on the internet for keeping track of
the leaf change is maintained by Gary and Mary Cooley, who spend
hours driving through the mountains each fall. Here's a link to their
"Leaf Change Report" page:
Fall colors highlight Ozark ridges
Long shadows and fall colors highlight the view
across a series of Ozark ridges.
Brilliant reds offset mountain rock
This image, taken at Pedestal Rocks Scenic Area,
captures the brilliant reds of fall.
If you are considering visiting the region to enjoy the leaf change and
beautiful fall weather, you might also consider taking a look at the
official site of the Buffalo National River. This large park area,
operated by the National Park Service, includes numerous scenic
spots, waterfalls, rock formations, hiking trails and historic sites.
If you are interested in learning more about how the leaf change
takes place and points of interest in the Ozark National Forest, we
recommend their official website. Established in 1908 by
Presidential proclamation, the national forest contains thousands of
acres of spectacular Ozark Mountain scenery abounding in scenic
views, natural wonders and historic sites.
One of the most popular destinations in the Ozarks region this time
of year is Eureka Springs. The beautiful Victorian city nestled in the
Arkansas Ozarks is an outstanding place to visit during all seasons,
but takes on special beauty when the leaves begin to change.
Be sure to visit us next weekend (November 17-18) as we launch
our new section on the Ozarks. We will unveil numerous new pages
that you don't want to miss!
Pedestal Rock in the Fall
Another view from the Pedestal Rocks Scenic Area,
this photograph shows one of the unique formations
surrounded by the colors of fall.
Mountains of Color
This photograph was taken along the Boston
Mountains Scenic Loop in Northwest Arkansas and
shows the colors descending a mountain side.